
Click on the logo to play the game. If this is your first time playing interactive fiction, I strongly recommend reading through the “Mechanics” section below before you begin. Enjoy!



This game focuses more on story and less on puzzle elements. If you are new to IF, I recommend navigating through the hyperlinks rather than typing into the console. There are no tricks: every possible action you can take is listed on the hyperlink drop-downs. Here are a couple of tips to make the experience better:

  • You can save the game by typing “save” in the console. To resume from a save, go to the game listing page and click “continue”. The server has been known to freeze or lag out, so I would recommend saving every 10 minutes or so. The game also times out after 30 minutes of inactivity, so I would suggest saving before taking a break.

  • If you are engaging with a lot of items in one room, you might find yourself constantly scrolling up to re-access the hyperlinks. Simply type in “look” into the console at any time to re-generate the room view and all hyperlinks associated with the room.

  • If you want to navigate through the console, you have to type in “east”, “west”, “north”, or “south” (“e”, “w”, “n”, “s” also work) instead of “left”, “right”, “up”, or “down”. This is so the game doesn’t have to take into account the direction the character is facing.


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